"...You can have my miniatures when you pry them from my cold, dead, fingers!"
I set this up so that I can ramble on about my lead (and plastic) mountain, my endless gaming, miniature, and terrain projects, and other
insights into various games.
You'll find lots of 'pretty pictures', various modeling techniques, and hopefully some inspiration for your own lead pile. You're bound to
find something amongst my games and photos that interests you.
Sit back, open a cold one, and enjoy.
If you need something, feel free to contact me at: dglennjr at yah00 dot com
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Japanese/Samaurai Terrain: Medium House
Underside of foam core board roof is scored to bend the roof. Curved trusses are added to maintain the rounded roof shape. Balsa wood trim is added around the edge of the roof.
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