Here was a recent game that I've been wanting to run and get to use my recently completed 20mm U.K. forces. I ran the game at a local gamesday, sponsored by the Suncoast Skirmishers gaming group in Temple Terrace, FL.
The scenario is based on the "Operation Plymouth Rock" which began in late November, 2004. It was a joint operation between U.S. and U.K. forces to clear out any insurgency and bring stability to the norther Babil Province and the city of Yusufiya in Iraq.
In this scenario, The U.S. forces arrive amphibiously by rigid boat and AA7V's from the Eurphrates River and the U.K. forces arrive by land into Yusufiya. The terrain is a mix of irrigation canal fed agricultural land and the built up areas of Yusufiya. The object is for the allied troops to seek out/take possession/destroy any insurgent strong points. The insurgents were instructed to protect their four major objectives/strong points that included a planning/operations facility, a money laundering/financing facility, a weapons cache, and a bomb making facility. Each of these were represented by a special terrain marker for each, often used for these games.
Here's an overview map showing what the Yusufiyah area of Iraq looks like.
Here's the map board from the British 'land side'.
Here's the map board from the U.S. 'river side'. The bridge at the lower right crosses over the Euphrates River.
A look at the agricultural filed side of the table. Note the various irrigation canals feeding the fields. There are a few wooden footbridges for people to cross the canals.
The Marines have landed. U.S. troops disembark their rigid boats and the AA7V comes out of the river.
The British are clearing out the town slowly, building by building. The troops make sure the local MaDonal's restaurant (Iraqi McDonald's) is all clear, and taking a few Big Mac's with them.
The U.S. squad on the right stumbles upon a radio controlled IED. (See the insurgent behind the wall with the transmitter?) Luckily, only 1 severe wound and several minor wounds are received and are able to proceed. The severely wounded Marine is placed in the back of the AA7V until a medivac can be brought in. The squad to the left, heads across a footbridge to clear a building on the other side of the canal. (The U.S. would suffer their first KIA trying to clear this building.)

All 'hell' breaks out when the British contingent hits this walled compound. First, gunfire from the lower right corner of the building hits a U.K. soldier next to the Landrover Snatch. Second, an RPG fired at the Warrior IFV from inside the compound, misses it's target, flying off harmlessly. Third, other automatic gunfire erupts from the compound hitting the less than armored Landrovers on the street. A couple of casualties are caused and a gunner in the Landrover Snatch is the first U.K. KIA. Lastly, in an effort to 'run the gauntlet', an insurgent technical truck rams the front gate and hits a Landrover WMIK in a glancing blow with minimal damage to each vehicle.

Now, it's the British turn. The U.K. troops return fire, killing and wounding most of the Insurgents engaged, including the RPG firer. The UK Warrior lights up the Technical truck, turning it into a piece of Swiss cheese with four wheels and forcing it out of control into a Mosque building and vehicle across the street. (Which was supposed to be one of the insurgents 'get-away' vehicles.) 2 insurgents in the vehicle are KIA and another is severely wounded.
On the back side of the building, three U.K. troopers decide to toss grenades in windows to finish clearing the building. Go figure that the last trooper rolls a critical miss, the grenade bounces off the window frame and behind him. Luckily it fell just out of range to do any damage to him or the rest of the squad. (see the white puff)
The U.S. squad enters the courtyard and proceeds to clear out the building with the AA7V providing some covering fire and protection. 4 more insurgent KIA's, including the triggerman for that earlier IED.
In the end, the insurgents (3 players with 6 squads) were far too spaced out to support each other effectively. Additionally, the allied troops got to see first hand why the body armor and Kevlar helmets they are wearing are so important. There would have been numerous additional allied KIA if it weren't for the armor saves.
The final tally was:
U.S.: 1 KIA, 2 severe wounds, and a few minor wounds.
UK.: 1 KIA and a few minor wounds.
Insurgents: 18+ KIA and several severely wounded.